Phyt's White Bio-Active Masque Eclat - review and slight dramatisation

4:07 PM

Sit down, guys. Please take a chair. There's something I need to tell you.

It started off so innocently. I was 17 on a sleepover and someone who I called a friend, someone I trusted offered me some of hers. "Sure," I said, naive to the dark world of "masking" I had just opened myself up to.

I thought it was just a bit of fun. After school, with friend, we'd all gather at someone's place and mask up. I became emboldened by my refreshed appreence, the glowing skin and tightened pores. I felt like I could take on anything with my clear complexion and minimal blackheads.

Soon, I couldn't go a week without using a mask. I started to dabble in different kinds of masks. Masques, clay, sheet and seaweed. I tried them all. And I loved it.

Mum, please don't cry. Try this foot mask, it'll really settle your nerves. What? Oh right, sorry.

I started masking alone. After school, you'll find me in the bathroom secretly slathering Dead Sea mud hairline to collarbone. Weekends became a heady blur of dissolved aspirin and honey mixes and warm compresses. My complexion glowed like a Clefairy exposed to a Moon Stone, but I knew skin this good couldn't last forever. A day without my mask hit only made me paranoid of the blackheads and imperfections that teased from beneath the surface of my derma. 

On the eve of my 20th year, I awoke dressed only in a man's stubby shorts and two-thirds of a scuba set, the last week having passed by in a daze of torn sample packets and toning lotions. A half-dissolved bath bomb lingered by my arm and mangled product tubes littered the carpet, fallen heroes in the war against uneven and blemished skin tone. I had hit my rock-bottom.

Over-enthusiastic mask use had made my skin itchy and dry and I swore off them and their ilk until early this year, when their sweet siren songs of refreshed faces encouraged me to treat yo self.

Seriously though, I used masks waaaaaay too often which was a bad thing and now stick to once a week usage, which is a good thing. Not to get too heavy on y'all or anything!

Purifying masks are problematic for my skin which is rather on the dry side. When I received Phyt's White Bio-Active Masque Eclat, the first thing I noticed aside from the French brand's aversion to vowels, was the packaging's claims to brighten and lighten complexions.

Brightening is normally secret squirrel code for exfoliating and this one contains yarrow, a herb with a high concentration of the super skin slougher, salicylic acid, and a mix of 100% organic goodies including aloe vera, rosewood and carrot to soothe and renew.

It smoothes on like a light cream and even as it dried, I didn't feel too much tightening. After ten minutes on, it was easy to wash off with warm water and my skin felt immediately smoother. Fast-forward a few days and while I didn't notice much brightening (but to be honest, white is tricky to lighten), a small blemish had healed a lot quicker than is normal for me and the skin on my nose and forehead was noticeably smoother and absorbed serum a lot more readily. 

I'd classify Phyt's White Bio-Active Masque Eclat as a good option for drier skins looking to purify and smooth out normal complexions. Oily skin might want to try on over their more mattifing formulas as this was quite a rich formula. 

Overdramatic intro aside, I do love a good face masque once a week, but have to be careful not to go overboard again! I hadn't heard of Phyt's before trying this product and am now am interested on how their make-up range would go as it's certified organic, cruelty and chemical free which I know ticks a lot of people's boxes.

Phyt's White Bio-Active Masque Eclat retails for A$58 from their website and selected salons.

Disclaimer: This product was sent to me by Phyt's. They have in no way influenced my review and opinions are my own. It is also my opinion that mask addiction is under-diagnosed and under-treated in today's beautiful youth.. The links in the post are not affiliate links, and I do not profit from you using them. See my Disclaimer for more sexy details.

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31 brilliant comments

  1. Well written my dear!
    I always forget to pamper my skin because.. well, I don't know. But I secretly used the mask of my bf's mother for years because she owned some super extreme highclass product I might never buy for myself, lol! Your post makes me wanna use it again :D

    1. Ha! Love a bit of bathroom cabinet raiding. What brand was this coveted product?

  2. I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award! I love your blog!

  3. haha I love your dramatization!!

  4. LOL!! I loved reading about how you used to go "overboard" with the masks. I've never read a review for this one, so thank you for the post! x

    1. Face masks are a gateway drug to total beauty addiction after all ;)
      I really like this product, having reflected on it a few days. My forehead is really smooth and I haven't been using anything else out of the ordinary.

  5. I can relate to your teenage experiences lol! I used to love a mask by Freemans - I think it was a cucumber one you peel off when dry! :) ps. Loving the logo on your blog!

    1. Ah I remember Freeman's. I had their oatmeal mask until one day I squeezed it out and it had turned from beige to green...

  6. LOL @ face masks are a gateway drug - that is so true! I found your blog courtesy of Pink Sith. I love that you have a fantastic sense of humor that bubbles up in your writing. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Thanks for coming on over from Pink Sith! Remember to always practice safe face masking :)

  7. This mask looks so interesting. I also giggled a fair bit at your mask addiction, inappropriate?

    1. Totes inapprops, but that's what you're here for, right?

  8. Excellent post! I found you through Phyrra's Lipstick League posting as you were Pink Sith's Guest Post of the Week.

    I've never heard of this brand before so, thanks for the review. I'm currently treading a slippery slope myself, ordering plain paper face sheets off ebay. DIY green tea masks and manuka honey slathering, here I come!

    1. Thanks for coming by!
      I hadn't heard of the brand either, but I've used the mask a few times since writing the review, and have really seen results in skin smoothness. Never tried making my own masks outside ye olde aspirin mask, DIY paper masks sound very adventurous!

  9. I loved this post. I hadn't heard of Phyt's before but I am intrigued X

    1. Do try them if you get the chance, they seem like they have a decent range.

  10. Oh god, I just discovered your blog and I just ADORE the way you write. So cute, so funny! And yes, I'm getting into masks now too - they're just so much fun, I want to put them on every day but I'm guessing that's a bad idea? Following you on Bloglovin now xx

    1. Aw thanks! So glad you're digging my blog :)
      Masks are def my vice, but you can have too much of a good thing, so I stick to 1-2 a week now!

  11. Love Phyt's! It smells absolutely beautiful and does wonders for my skin. I have an "allergy' to perfumes - they give me migraines - but I can happily have a facial with the beautician using Phyt's and I have no issues with it at all.

  12. Ahh, isn't it fab when you find a brand that works for you?

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