Hola new blog design! With a bonus creamy Paul Rudd centre.

10:56 AM

Hello there! Noticed I had something done yet? A few nips, a bit of a tuck and a brand spanking new masthead made for me by the talented Stephanie Pembroke. There's still a few tweaks to be made, but let me know what you think as this is me trying to be a slighter more appropriate, slightly better-dressed and slightly fancier grown up version of myself. 

Like a hairy, socially awkward caterpillar, Lather Rinse Repeat has emerged from its cocoon as a slightly less hairy socially awkward butterfly with a raging lady-boner for Paul Rudd gifs.

Fuck, I've just been awkward again, haven't I? Welp, it was nice while it lasted.

Paul Rudd party time! Look away now/after the jump if you have no soul.

And look! He brought a friend!

Oh my. I'll be in my bunk.

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28 brilliant comments

  1. LOL. I died because of the last meme, LOL! XD
    I like your new design, especially the header! I personally think it's a bit too empty in the header section and would add........ something. I am so helpful these days.

    1. Ha, I love that gif so much.
      I'm still playing around with the header position etc, but Blogger is a total pain in the butt to work with.

    2. Ah yeah I know T_T I had to get some additional CSS to have my header work + in the place I wanted it to be.. blogger really sucks when it comes to custom designs.
      By the way I nominated you for Liebster Blog Award and hope you don't mind :D http://neonwolken.blogspot.jp/2012/06/liebster-award-nomination.html

    3. Aw thanks, of course I don't mind!
      I sense some frantic Googling for CSS solutions in my near future...

  2. Mmmm... teeny tiny insect erections. Good image for a Monday afternoon... :P

    I feel like I need a more grownup thingamibob too, but maturity is for... other people.

    1. Eeek I didn't even visualise the wee little butterfly hard-on. Does this make you the awkward one now?

      Maturity is overrated!

  3. All of my dreams in the one place. Lovely header too. x

    1. I need a cheesecake gif and it will actually be the dream I had last night.

  4. Ooh! Gorgeous header!
    The gifs have definitely brightened up my Monday too! ;)

    Sharleena xx

    1. Thanks! A little Paul Rudd makes everything better :)

  5. Love it. Love the header, love the GIFs. Congrats caterpillar xoxo

    1. Thanks Karla! You're totes a hipster lentil.

  6. Love the new header, so clean and sleek :)

  7. Great blog! Love the post! What do you say we foller each other?

    Beauty Asylum

  8. Love the new look!
    Check out my new and updated blog! (if you want too that is!)

  9. Would I be completely horrible if I said I love that this post has Paul Rudd more than the new design? Totally kidding!! Love both...equally...for the most part ;D <3

    1. Not too horrible. After all, all you need is Rudd, and I did give him equal placing in this post's title!

  10. This post is seriously missing some Rudd circa 1995 in Clueless...Other than that, I like it. New design, Paul Rudd and Jason Segal.

    1. Mmm yes, some sweet law student loving. I feel like I need to revisit some Paris in Romeo + Juliet gifs too, he was so damn hot in that astronaut costume.


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