NOTD - Darling x Vibe Hotels, Ulta3 and Revlon swatches

4:28 PM

Darling for Vibe Hotels in 'Pillow Taupe'

Ulta3 in 'Confetti'

Revlon in 'Belle' (topcoat)

Well, kinda,

The Ulta3 sadly wasn't confetti-y enough, despite being named Confetti, so I needed some Revlon topcoat in Belle to amp up the sparkle. Why did I need glittery nails when the Darling for Vibe Hotels in Pillow Taupe (love the name) was nice enough by itself? I'm sad that you need to ask the question.

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18 brilliant comments

  1. You have such gorgeous nails! I absolutely love Confetti, I layer it on like its going to expire though!

    Sharleena xx

    1. They're actually pretty terrible, flaky nails, but the long beds mean I don't have to grow them too long anyway!
      Wish Confetti had a bit more glitter in it, I think this was like 3 layers!

  2. As much as I love Ulta3, their glitter polishes aren't the best around. I think OPI are still probably the kings of glitter. Oh, and on the topic of Confetti not being confetti like, I feel like whoever named the Ulta3 shades was way off the mark. I have a shade called Poppy, which is a light pink. Not exactlly poppy-ish. But yay anyway! Nice to see you finally gave the Ulta3 polishes a burl after liking their eyeshadows.

    1. I'm really digging the Ulta3 polishes now, but yep, a more flaky glitter from OPI is the way to go. A light pink called Poppy is so off the mark!

  3. I love how pillow taupe looks. Well, lets face it, I love anything taupe. :)

    1. Funny, cos I never ever wear taupe. Just couldn't resist the punny name on this one.

  4. The nude is gorgeous! I just bought Essie's Sand Tropez and it looks similar to that! Love it. Would you like to follow each other, doll? Let me know!

    Lady Million

    1. Oh it is similar to the Essie, I think this one has a touch more pink, but very close.
      Love your blog, now following. Think I need those make-up drawers like yesterday.

  5. You can never have enough glitter. End of.

    1. MOAR GLITTER! Pretty sure glitter makes everything better.

  6. I love the Revlon colours, very pretty

    come visit my blog :)
    Gem xxx

  7. I have to say, you are a brilliant blogger, I am always laughing my ass of at home with all the memes you include, just hilarious! Thank you for making my day! And I understand your disappointment, I always sit in front of new glitter polishes and after trying them out I am like "I TRUSTED YOU!!"

    1. Ha thanks. I'm so glad people are getting the memes, and I'm not just babbling away to myself here.
      Oh God, the glitter polishes never meet my expectations. THE GLITTER IS A LIE!

  8. Great blog and I love your nails!

    By the way I'm holding a giveaway where you can win a cute little pendant and 2 Barry M nail polishes...check it out...



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