MAC x Beth Ditto Pro Longwear Lipcreme in Dear Diary - review and swatch

7:37 PM

I love me some Beth Ditto. She's brash, bold and a goddess in a tight tube dress. I wish I had her confidence, not only in her own appearance, but in her attitude towards the daily mindfuckery tastemakers like Kaiser Karl dictate to us lady folk. To response to him calling Adele "a little too fat", Beth said:

“First of all, Karl Lagerfeld is not even sane. Second of all, he’s not the end-all, be-all of what he does. He’s really talented, but that doesn’t mean he’s right. Third, Karl Lagerfeld used to be this really fat, eccentric dude. He always had that fat kid fan with him too. To me, only a person who was fat could get away with saying something like that.”

All hail La Ditto!
Not only is Beth widely known as a super-lunged singer, badass proud dyke and all-round awesomesaucer, but she has has partnered up with MAC for a limited edition collection. I picked up one of the Pro Longwear Lipcremes in Dear Diary about a month ago but held off on posting about it until it was actually available. I'm nice like that.

In the tube it looks like a bright neon pink, but once swatched it's less of that yellow-based neon and tends to more of a fuchsia. 

Left: One swipe. Right: Heavily swatched.
Natural light

With flash
I really like it, but like Beth, it's full-on and may be a bit too much for some people. Definitely wear a liner with this one as it's a wet formula that mushed its way across my lips and even in these pics you can see it starting to feather and melt into a crooked lip line.

It's a moisturising formula, but not particularly long-lasting. On me it lasted about four hours without eating or drinking, and left a pretty deep pink stain. They smell kind of like vanilla which I dug.

Out of the other products in the Beth Ditto for MAC collection, the only one I want to try it another lipstick in Booyah!!!, a creamy orange that has been likened to Morange.

Of course this collection was released in the US on June 7th, and was meant to be available around Australia a the same time, but it's not listed on the Australian website and I haven't been able to make it out to a MAC counter yet.

Also! They totally missed an opportunity to call this collection MacBeth, and chucked in blood-red lip stain, maybe a hand wash! So perfect, right? No? Ah, shush you.

Seeing I can't find the Aussie prices anywhere, let's assume it's the regular A$40 a pop or the confirmed US$17 if you can finagle it. Edit #1: Despite other sites including Marie Claire UK etc saying it has been released world-wide, my sources say it will be available in Australia June 25th. Sorry, it's a little wait. Guess I'm not so nice holding off after all!

Edit #2: Here's a couple of full face photos especially for Sam Murakami. Look what you've done, I hope you're happy!
I paired it with a bright orange and cream eye, using shadows from Smashbox's Click, You're It palette and a soft peachy blush, YSL's Y-Mail.

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30 brilliant comments

  1. Haha, your labels are hilarious XD and WOW that is some kind of a shocking pink! Could it get any more pink I wonder?! I'd really like to see a *fullface* picture of you wearing this color out to see how it would look on you! :D

    And ha, you are nice. One of the nicest people in the world maybe, I don't know if I'd even think of something like holding a product back because of that. Chapeau!

    1. Your wish is my command ;) Check out the full face pics above.
      Sometimes I get nice confused with lazy, so I maaaaaay have been too lazy to write about this before it was released, but let's just go with nice for now, okay!

  2. Love the intro and gif! I had a good buckle there. Love this color! Need to get my hands on it!

  3. Hi Michaela! THANKS for following me! I love your blog:3
    Oh, and that is some seriously gorgeous lip color you have here. I wonder if I can pull that off: ))

    1. Thanks, your blog is just super too. I think you could pull it off, it's all about confidence!

  4. Wow, that colour looks awesome on your skin tone!!

    1. Thank you, doll. Funny, I thought it might be more suitable for tanned types.

  5. I am MAC loyal nice product

  6. Love her rebuttle to Karl (whom I did not know was once chubby himself). Oh, and nice lipstick. (; x

    1. Aw he was such a chubster once himself, so anything nasty he says about women bigger than a size zero should just be taken as his own self-hatred manifesting. Poor krazy Karl.

  7. i love all your make up! im follin you kiss

  8. The color is very bold, I agree, but it looks really nice against your fair skintone! I love her comeback to Karl's comment too. She's a singer and she's got an amazing voice; her weight shouldn't even be a topic of discussion.

    1. Oh good, it's always so tricky getting a bold colour to work with my skin tone.
      Karl's so tragic, I just couldn't resist including her comeback to him. Such a burn!

  9. lovely blog

    your hair is amazinggggg

    hope you check mine out if you have a minute =) ?



    1. Oh thank re my hair, but what do you think of the lipstick? ;)

      Will check you out, hon.

  10. I love how this bright pink looks on you! Your hair is gorgeous too, I miss being light blonde.

    1. Thanks! It's never too late to go back to blonde though, never!

  11. Totally with you there on the MacBeth hand wash. That'd go down a treat. I'm somewhat in love with punny names. I want the job of naming OPI polishes.

    1. Omg dream job. I would be a total gun at that. I just feel there should be more slightly awkward references involved when it comes to product naming.

  12. Thanks! I'll go check you out too x

  13. Looks really pretty on you! Love the full face shots. I see a bit of a bright purplish hint to it which I really like, it doesn't seem too full on but is still a pop of colour. I can see how it'd leave a really nice stain when it wears off as well.

    1. Yep, it's def on the purpley side of pink. You're right, it does leave a nice stain and I think I'm going to wear it next blotted and layered with a gloss to tone it down a little, it's very bright and might scare my co-workers ;)


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