Australis Lash TLC Mascara in Black Curling - review

3:04 PM

It's funny how I'll use a product, like it enough to add to my daily routine and then promptly forgot about reviewing it, even when it's (literally) right in front of my eyes. 

Australis' Lash TLC mascara is one such gem that I use for a basic everyday look, for the days that I want to look more naturally pretty, rather than a Marry, Snog, Avoid reject.

I save this kind of look for church!
Lash TLC comes in two versions - Blackest Black and Black Curling. I have the curling one, so cannot vouch for Blackest Black being in fact the Blackest Black possible. However Black Curling is in fact black and does a neat job of coating and curling my lashes. It's a curved brush with semi-rigid bristles and a wet formula that leaves my lashes glossy. 

It's housed in a distractingly shiny tube, all pink and metallic, and is easy to pick out of the nine mascaras I currently have in rotation (I know, but countless back-up mascaras is the curse of the pale-lashed).

I wear contacts, and Lash TLC has so far been the least irritating formula so far. It doesn't flake and get gritty bits under my contacts (worse feeling ever). While it doesn't do much volumising for me, that's not what I want from a casual day mascara, and I'm very happy with the clean looking and defined lashes I'm left with day after day.

Need proof? I realised I had to cover this mascara after seeing how often it popped up in my Instagram Face of the Day portraits.

Australis says the formula includes vitamins E and B5 and a silk powder enriched with amino acids and trace elements to strengthen and protect. Does this matter to me? Nope! I'm not a scientist and I haven't had increased lash fall or anything, so I'm not really fussed about these types of claims. I've never tried a mascara and thought "No, this definitely needs more silk powder. ALL THE SILK POWDER!!". You might enjoy the reassurance of added vitamins, mineral and stem cells (that last one is less than true), but it doesn't make an impression on me.

Australis Lash TLC retails for A$14.95.

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22 brilliant comments

  1. Lmao, I was exposed to the brilliance of Snog, Marry, Avoid the other week. I think it's one of the most hilarious shows ever - oh hai POD! Seems like FOA and Australis are putting out some great mascaras! xx

    1. The Aussie brands are SO bringing it right now!
      And yes, I'm such a SMA tragic, my Friday nights are dedicated to watching the back-to-back eps and eating junk. The teeny outfits are so fun to snark about too.

  2. Snog, Marry, Avoid is also my new favourite UK-trash-show..Makes me miss Ladette to Lady tho :)
    I haven't purchased anything from Australis for ages. Back in the day they used to be very cheap but quality was also below average. I might give it a second chance!

    1. Oh I miss Ladette to Lady too! I also love me some Bad Girls Club. I have such classy taste in TV, I know.
      Australis is pretty good now they've had a brand revival. Maybe give one of their HD blushes a try too - great pigment and often on sale at Priceline.

  3. I'm rather impressed by Australis lately! I'm loving some of their products since their makeover

    1. Me too! They have like a trillion new mascaras out too, I'm slowly making my way through the different formulas.

  4. Lol, I'm pretty sure mascara "nutrients" are like conditioner nutrients anyway... pretty much useless. I don't understand the silk powder thing, SAVE THE SILK FOR DRESSES, DAMMIT. *shake of the fist*

    1. Even better, keep the silk in the silk-worms!

    2. Haha! I wanted to 'like' this response and then realised it's not Facebook. Oops!

    3. Silk-worms everywhere appreciate your support!

      Yes, I'm now the Silk-Worm Spokeswoman.

  5. This looks like such a good mascara :)

    Laura xoxo

    1. It's def worth a try if you're after an amped up natural look.

  6. I think I'll have to give Australis another go. I've always been put off by the brand because for a long time it was the 'cheap alternative for Aussie schoolgirls'. This mascara seems right up my alley. I'm currently revisiting Maybelline's Full & Soft mascara (which also contains Vitamin E) and I've been really happy with it. Not entirely sure what the vitamin does but it must be doing some kind of good!

    1. Heh, I used to think the same thing about the brand. Remember the Waterberry body sprays!
      I have used Full & Soft before, but I found the tube dried up pretty quickly (within one month) which was the only prob I had with it.

  7. I have been really impressed with Australis at the moment, glad to hear this one doesn't flake either. I have one from them I'm reviewing soon, which is also awesome. Go Australis! Also, what is on your lips in the above image??

    1. Australis have shot up my like-o-meter so quickly after their rebranding, it's making me dizzy! I'll look out for your review!

      I'm wearing Shiseido Perfect Rouge in Divine, it's the best Barbie blue-based pink I've found for my skin tone so far.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog hun. Your gorgeous. Now following.

    1. Thanks :) Love yours too, only wish I'd found it sooner x


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