On holiday!

7:27 AM

Aloha, my fancy fillies!

There will be a short break in posts as, I'm off to Hawaii for about two weeks to look for a certain surf instructor.

I'll still be updating on Twitter and Instagram as @LatherRinseRpt (you can pry social media from my cold, well-moisturised hands), and I hear all the high functioning members of society like my Facebook page. I'm still open to more brilliant shopping suggestions here, especially as I'll be picking up a little something something for a future giveaway!

x Michaela

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16 brilliant comments

  1. very jealous! have a great holiday.

  2. Have a good on!
    Oh my, how I'd love a surf holiday in Hawaii. I know too many people from there and their stories and pictures make me jealous instantly, I bet you have a great time!

    1. I didn't do much surfing sadly, but spent like 90% of my time either swimming or shopping :)

  3. Haha I KNEW you were really going to be looking for him...

    1. Didn't find him :( Boyf is somewhat relieved

  4. Oh wow, hope you're having an amazing time! Off to check out your Instagram for pics... :) x

    1. Hope you dug my Instagram updates. I swear I didn't spend the WHOLE time drinking.

  5. such a perfect style honey
    congratulations =P

  6. Hello!

    I just nominated you for a Liebster Award...check out my blog (www.beautyprofessor.net) for all the relevant details.

    Have fun in Hawaii!

    --The Beauty Professor

  7. I found your blog thanks to the lady above^ - I'm nominated too! You've got a fantastic layout. Have a lovely time on your hols and feel free to pay me a visit when you're home!



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