Vaseline Total Moisture 24 Hr Nourishing Lotions - reviews and giveaway

10:25 AM

Feeling a wee bit of deja vu? I know, I've already covered some lotions from Vaseline before. But these ones are (kinda) different, in that they are more moisturising and have some fancy science to back it up. Mmm, sciencey.

After exhaustive testing (sniffing first one lotion, then the other), I've determined these scents are pretty much exactly the same as those previous reviewed, bar one, so my previous fragrance critique still stands.

Dry Skin (yellow bottle) - Different to the previous yellow bottle I reviewed which was more medicinal, this has the lightest scent of the three, like oats and milk. Very gentle and inoffensive.

Aloe Fresh (green) - "This lotion is exactly like the name suggests, smelling very fresh and aloe-y."

Cocoa Glow (brown) - "Every body care brand seems to have a cocoa butter variant now, and honestly the reason I like them is the chocolate smell they share. This one is less chocolately, more nutty smelling than others I've tried, more like shea and coconut. Delicious."

So, if they smell the same, Michaela, how do you know there's a difference? Well, after another series of tiring product trials (rubbing one lotion on one leg, the other lotion of the other leg. Genius), this lot has emerged as thicker than its predecessors, and feels richer on the skin.

The stratys-3 multi-layer moisture on lower half of the bottles is a reference to the three layers of your skin. Vaseline has their definition of this here. I have no idea if this technology effectively moisturises all three layers - after all, I can only feel the top one. I do think all three of these lotions do a good job in keeping my skin smooth and moist as a loaf of banana bread. Like in the best possible way, not a doughy legs way.

I like what Vaseline has been doing with their brand recently - moving away from just being a no-frills, functional product, to something still competitively priced, but with more attractive branding and benefits.

Now for the fun bit! I have three prize packs to give away, each including three bottles of lotion, so you too can have a well-moisturised torso. Gawd, that didn't sound crappy at all.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below and make sure to comment to be eligible. I want to know your thoughts on moisture. How often do you moisturise? Does the actual word 'moist' bother you? How about if I say it like this? Mooooooooooist. Am I grossing you out? Good!

This is open to Australian residents only and all you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Each action gains you an additional entry and you have until next Thursday (1/11/2012) at 3pm to enter. If you win one pack, your other entries become ineligible for the remaining two prizes. Let's not be greedy now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: These products were sent to me by Vaseline. They have in no way influenced my review and opinions are my own. It is also my opinion that a post about lotion without this song is a post wasted. The links in the post are not affiliate links, and I do not profit from you using them. See my Disclaimer for more sexy details.


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31 brilliant comments

  1. Yay because moist if fresh

  2. Yay because I love being hydrated!

  3. It never bothered me before- so yay!! I like to moisturise in summer when the legs are bare - though it's sporadic - I always forget to do it!!

  4. I moisturise everyday.:) Love the gif by the way, brings back memories;)

  5. i am so bad at remembering to moisturise! as for the word moist it totally freaks me out, it sends shivers down my spine haha :)

  6. I forget to moisturise all.the.time but when I remember it's amaaaazing.

  7. The word makes me laugh or at least smile :P

  8. Not in love with the word but very in love with the feeling x

  9. I don't currently use a moisturiser, but I got a stern talking to by my podiatrist that I really, really, REALLY need to start moisturising my feet the other day, and this post just reminded me again.

  10. I use Garnier Shea lotion - but it's a little chocolately-smelling for me. I'd love to try these!

    Oh, and I don't like the word MOIST, but you know what's worse..? DAMP.

  11. I don't use moisturiser everyday, but I know I should. I get REALLY dry skin in winter...doesn't seem to motivate me to moisturise more regularly though...maybe this pack will!

  12. yay being hydrated is good for you and your skinor your body will draw it out anyway

  13. Love body lotions, great giveaway!

  14. In the words of the Zoolander the merman: moisture is the essence of wetness.

  15. In the words of Zoolander the merman: moisture is the essence of wetness.

  16. omg vaseline!!! <3 thanks for the giveaway :)

  17. The word moist doesn't bother me, I guess it depends what tone it's said in! lol I don't moisturise nearly as often as I should, I really need to start!

  18. It doesn't bother me, but I do love that How I Met Your Mother ep!


  20. Bothers me in SO many ways. Particularly when joined with the word 'crusty'. That's a whole nother story however. Vaseline moist on the other hand, I love you so! And my dry limbs need, at bare minimum, DAILY moisture. So I rip through body lotions at the speed of light and would most certainly appreciate these 3 revamps!

  21. Great giveaway hun! :) 'Moist' just reminds me of that 'How I Met Your Mother' episode too! But apart from that it doesn't bother me.....just gives me a giggle. Loved this post :P
    Good luck everyone! xoxo

  22. I'll leave a comment if it will get me free shit!

  23. The stratys thing is a NOPE. Basically it's trying to penetrate the stratum corneum, which is the dead bit of your skin. Whether it gets further down, it's all basically keratin fibres, and I wish they'd stop advertising as penetrating "three layers" because no, the layer is the bloody stratum corneum. It's not like they're hitting the stratum granulosum. That would be something to brag about.


    On another note, I actually find that this dries out my hands quite badly compared to the e45 I normally use.

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