Coloured Circle Lens Contacts - review and discount code

4:18 PM

You may have seen me testing out some coloured circle lens contacts the last few months on Instagram (@LatherRinseRpt), and if you're a coworker, may have even partaken in the delightful guessing game Does Michaela Have Crazy Eyes Again Today.

Here's my regular, boring old eyes in their standard blue.

Here's a close-up of my right eye, which is discoloured due to partical heterochromia iridis. This means I have a patch of colour in my right eye that is different to the eye's dominant colour and can see directly into your soul doesn't affect me in any way aside from physical appearance.

Now you have a good idea of what I'm starting with, let's get kawaii!

Welp, shit got weird real quick there. Huh. Let's not even speak of some of the gifs I found. So many....tentacles.

By the way, while I was looking through some of these gifs, Gangham Style started playing from one of my tabs, and I cannot work out from which of the 90 I have open the damn song is coming from. I thought he was saying open condom style for the longest time. It seemed appropriate.

Anyway, I was sent five different contacts, and am going to show you my three favourites from the online store Glow and Glamour.

EOS Diamond Green ($22.90) is a max size lens and definitely makes an impact. I do really like the green colour, and the multifaceted shading on this one is so pretty. The large lens would work far better on someone with a dark iris, as it does look strange having my blue bits peep through.

EOS Rosy Blue ($22.90) is the one that scares The Boyfriend. He hates them, but I like them for the intensity and how glassy they look.

3 Tone Goldish Violet ($22.90) was my favourite out of all the ones I was sent. It's smaller, and this gorgeous violet colour which does an almost ombre effect blending into my iris colour. The Boyfriend actually hasn't noticed when I'm wearing these, because it is more of a subtle look. 

All of the contact lens I received from Glow and Glamour were really nice quality, true to my prescription and didn't irritate or dry out my eyes. Most importantly, the colour is on the outside of the lens and hasn't faded or come off since I've started using them.

Glow and Glamour have a great deal for Halloween on right now, offering 50% off all contacts. Use the code "HALLOWEEN" at check-out before Nov 15th to score this. I have my eye on these pink ones next, or maybe this tiger stripe-esque pair so I can dress up as kawaii for Halloween!

Doing my bit for Internet terribleness

Disclaimer: These products were sent to me by Glow and Glamour. They have in no way influenced my review and opinions are my own. It is also my opinion that people with giant bags under their eyes maybe shouldn't take up close up photos of said eyes.... The links in the post are not affiliate links, and I do not profit from you using them. See my Disclaimer for more sexy details.

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33 brilliant comments

  1. I really like the purple ones on you the most, very subtle! The other lenses (especially the first one) is quite a unique pair, the shapes are so funky!

  2. I like that Snoop Dogg is dancing on your gif. I don't know why he's there, but I like it all the same.

  3. I stopped wearing circle lenses because they weakened my eye, made my vision blur (even after I took them out I had blurry view for days sometimes) and now I need glasses. As soon as I thought they harm my eye I stopped wearing them, so please be careful! and LOL I can see why the dark ones would scare your boyfriend, I sat here thinking "HOLY SHIT" when I saw your picture :D

  4. Oh no, poor you! I'm being very careful with these anyway, but especially after hearing that. I was wearing them maybe once a week, my normal contacts for four days and glasses twice a week.

  5. It just felt right somehow.

  6. Thanks, I like the purple too! You have to take a good look to even notice them.

  7. Hahaha I love your post! I never tried circle lenses before. I always thought only Asian's would dare to wear them but you pulled them off quite well :)

  8. We're breaking down those barriers between Asians and extremely awkward white girls here!

  9. Well, I wore mine only like... 10 times a year or something? But if you don't experience anything similar to me it should be fine of course! Just wanted to stress IF you notice anything like me, be aware and let them be so that your eyes can be as happy as Misty's here displayed in your gif (loved that one, btw) :D

  10. D: welp I'm doomed!

  11. I'm scared by the Rosy Blue as well, but their lacy pattern is amazing! I've only tried coloured contacts once (green) and they looked too fake - but it was a fair few years ago and crazy / cute optometry has obviously come a long way since then!

  12. Your natural eye colour is totally gorgeous! You don't need contacts!!!

  13. Oh thank you! A change is nice though.

  14. They seem to have lots of more natural colours too, so little people have naturally green eyes.

  15. I have been following you and I must say, these contacts look amazing (not that you need them, though, as your own eyes are absolutely stunning)!

    I think the second lot are a little disturbing in terms of intensity but gorgeous nevertheless, I think my favourite of the three has to be the last set. :) I have always wanted to try coloured lenses but I have quite high prescription ones so I doubt they'll come in the prescription correction I need!

  16. Aw thanks! I really like the last ones too, just a touch of colour without looking too spooky. My prescription is fairly low (-1.7), but Glamour and Glow does go to -5.0 in some styles! The code is such a good chance to try them for half price.

  17. There's some creepier ones on the site. Blood red anyone?

  18. DUDE, the EOS Rosy Blue ones. WHOA. They make you look powerful and able to melt faces with a mere side glance.

  19. At the very least, they increase my bitchface by at least 40% ;)

  20. I maybe will experiment with colored contacts. When they first came out, they only went to a certain prescription, but I'm at like -2.25 and -3.75 so maybe they will work for me now!! I think the second ones are kinda creepy too, but I love the others. I think you would look really good in a hazely color too!

  21. This is great. I liked all the different eye in the pictures but I need to find a colored contacts place in Edmonton

  22. These were some pretty awesome close ups of colored contacts. We are seeing more and more of these in Fayetteville, NC. I think my sister is going to be getting some pretty soon here.

  23. Where can I get these colored contacts in Edmonton? These would be awesome to have and wear around just for fun and because I have two different colored eyes. These designs are awesome and I would love to get my hands on them.

  24. When I used first time contact lenses first day I feel odd in my eyes because I was using glasses before. But contcact lenses gives me confidence. Now I am using crazy contact lenses they are awesome. They looks like more stylist. Recently I bought spider contact lenses from

  25. Those are crazy! I'm not sure I would have the guts to wear colored contacts in Edmonton. It would definitely freak some of my friends out!

  26. I really like the look of these colored contacts. It makes your eyes look so cool!

  27. I am looking for colored contacts in Edmonton. Where should I go?

  28. I have always wanted to try colored lenses. I have blue eyes my whole life and I have been the typical white boy. I would love to switch it up and see what people say.

    Aaron |


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