Ulta3 Eyeshadow in Truffle - review and swatch

7:52 AM

I'll admit I wasn't super interested in trying anything from Ulta3. This is because I can be a snob and I think things like "My precious eyelids are way too sensitive for something that costs less than a bag of hot chips. Begone, cheap and nasty, bring on the more suitable Giorgio Armani." Only the best for delicate flower Michaela. 

Not happening, Interwebs.
So of course I somehow ended up with an Ulta3 single eyeshadow from my local pharmacy (went in to buy Sudafed, left with bag of cosmetics and three types of gum). Of course it's an awesome shade which I've used regularly since, but have neglected to review it until now as its effectiveness is somehow an affront to my sensibilities. I know that makes zero sense, shut up!

It's a shimmery grey/brown with a purple tinge, and is a lot more pigmented than I expected. The powder isn't quite silky, but is still very smooth and blends easily, even just using a finger.

Top is a heavy swatch, below is blended
I've been wearing it solo as a super simple work look and it's just so easy to chuck into my gym make-up bag as it doesn't require a brush for blending (IMHO at least, it must be noted that I'm a tool moron and avoid them when I can). I have dry lids so I don't really use a lid primer and this baby stays put all on it's lonesome all right. I did notice some creasing as shown below (or maybe I just have really wrinkly lids?), but this took a while to happen and I've noticed it while taking off my shadow after a long work day.

On lids after a loooong day, applied by finger
So shall we recap my Ulta3 journey through Toddlers and Tiaras gifs?

Yes, I think we shall. This may be more for me than it is for you.

First I was all like "blerugggh" about trying a cheapo product

Then it was awesome and I got excited.

And then you were all like "omg ENOUGH with the gifs, fool".

And I started looking into octopus employment options
Ulta3 Single Eyeshadow Pots are A$2.95 each. Bargain!

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19 brilliant comments

  1. I haven't seen Ulta3 cosmetics...only the nail polishes. Must keep an eye out for them then!

    1. They had them in a giant tub mixed with the nail polishes at my chemist, so random but glad I picked it up.

  2. Ah Eden Wood love that show. Ive never ventured into Ulta3 cosmetics. Thanks for the review.

    1. I like Eden, but I'm so Team Mackenzie, she's hilariously fussy. The shadows are worth a try if you see them around.

    2. I'm right with you there. I love Mackenzie. Can't decide if my favourite moment is when she's telling her trolly bag to be quiet or training up her mechanical toy cat for the pagent. I'm so easily amused.

    3. She's my spirit animal. http://drlillianglass.com/body-language-blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Screen-Shot-2012-01-20-at-5.15.15-AM.png

  3. Too funny. Now I get what the tweet meant ;) Somehow you manage to make beauty reviews and Paul Rudd or Toddlers and Tiaras work in complete harmony...haha

    1. Duuuuude, I spent like 2 days just looking at gifs for this post haha.

  4. Haha I'm an ulta3 fanatic, but the new BYS eyeshadows have become my cheap thrill ($5 for a palette of 8!).

    1. Ah, my inner snob is all up in my face now about BYS. It seems so cheap that it must be a trap, right?

  5. Haha, I love the gif narration. This looks like a shade that I would totally go for, though I admit my sentiments towards Ulta3 shadows probably mirrored your own before you tried it out. I have way too many neutral eyeshadows as is, but if I didn't, I would definitely give this one a go :)

    1. One day, the human race will communicate solely through gifs. And it will be the best thing ever...

      It's such a good basic shade, prob the best pick from the range for most skin-tones, I think.

    I'm guilty of purchasing lifesavers, nail polish and whatever else takes my fancy when only intending to get one very practical item. Sigh.
    Also, lovely eyeshadow. x

    1. ALL THE GIFS! This blog is in serious danger of becoming just a wall of gifs. Which isn't such a bad thing, Honey Boo Boo Child.

      Little knick-knacks under $5 are killing my budget, soooo easy to nab at the register.

  7. I really like this color, there's something about neutrals... I keep buying them because they are neutrals, they are so easy to combine, but I know I have way to many. I think that's the magic circle:)

    1. I think you can never have too many neutrals. What if you need a shade that's slightly more mushroom leaning or chocolate toned, and you don't have it in your stash? It's a total disaster and everything is ruined forever, that's what.

  8. Looks very similar to my go to MAC Satin Taupe at 10% of the price!

    1. Oh yes, maybe not as pigmented to be a 100% dupe, but very very close.


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