Lush Tisty Tosty bath bomb review

7:57 AM

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! I like to say I don't celebrate it because of how commercial it is, but the thing is, I totally relish it and by default I guess that means I celebrate it too. I don't buy into the overpriced romantic dinners for two and dozen limp roses, but I do like to wear kitschy heart patterned dress, ruby-red lips and ribbons, and have a play with everything sweet and romantic. Plus if The Boyfriend wants to buy me a bunch of flowers (I prefer peonies, tulips and pink/white roses babe. NO LILLIES!) or maybe some chocolate, then sure, go for it. Can't hurt, especially if you want to avoid the silent treatment. God, I sound like a super fun sulking girlfriend, right?

Anyway, I love the cute heart shaped, romanticised beauty goodies that appear in the lead up to V-Day. Lush bring out a pretty large range each Feburary. Although it's available all year, I picked up their Tisty Tosty bath bomb purely for the cute heart shap and mushy backstory (blah blah blah love potion blah blah mysterious rose blah and Ancient Persia. Me: I'll take it!).

I plopped it in my bath and it fizzled for roughly two minutes before disappearing to the great bathtub in the sky. I was disappointed that it didn't bubble around for longer, as previous Lush bath bombs I've used have gone the distance to successfully distract me while my hair treatment sinks in.

The scent is fine - a sweet, like almost turkish delight rose. Sadly, it didn't last very long and is quite a subtle scent. The Boyfriend couldn't smell it at all, so that kind of  nixes the romantic appeal. True to word, there were exactly seven rosebuds floating around after, which are a alot easier to clean up than rose petals and didn't stain my tub.

I can see it working for people who like delicate, subtle scents, but I'm all about the OMMPFF! in my products. Make it Snow Fairy scented and we've got a date. Also, how good would a Snow Fairy massage bar be?! MAKE THIS HAPPEN, LUSH PEOPLE!

Tisty Tosty Bath Bomb is $6.75 from Lush.

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5 brilliant comments

  1. I like my bombs to fizzle for a bit longer than two minutes as well... and I also like to combine bombs with bubble bars. I don't mind if the fragrance is weak, as long as it's pleasant :)

    1. Same, you might as well use bath salts if they don't fizz for a decent amount of time.

  2. GAH- I love LUSH so so so so much!
    Check out my updated blog-

    1. Oh, love your elf haul. Started following you :)


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