Nair Spa Clay Shower Power Hair Removal Cream - review

1:15 PM

Welcome to Lather Rinse Repeat's series of summer themed posts! Every post that features the above banner will be serving up a review of a useful product or service for you to take advantage of in the warmer months.

So I've told you about the awkwardness that ensured when I waxed my legs, and have written about my inability to shave without ending up leaking blood everywhere. Looks like hair removal cream is the logical next option for de-hairing my pins.

Nair makes a pretty large range of hair removal creams and wax products, and their Spa Clay Shower Power Hair Removal Cream is the newest to be launched. It's loaded with ingredients like mineral clay and mango butter which are meant to leave smoother skin behind after use.

I was surprised to see that once out  of the pump container, the cream doesn't resemble a clay product at all, and just looks....creamy. Like a really thick cream. Duh, Michaela.

It smells like other Nair products I've used previously - that is like indistinct yet nose-searing chemicals and damp baby powder. I don't think I've ever used a cream that doesn't have this smell!

Getting down to the TMI, I used this on two weeks worth of hair growth. My hair is very fine and fair, for all you who deeply care about the intimate details of my body hair (side note: I know some people must care, because my stats say I have a few visitors finding me through "hairy blonde". Haha!).

The instructions say to apply in a thin layer, avoiding rubbing it in too much and leave for a minute before stepping into the shower. 

Oh hai boys!

You're then meant to shower "following your normal routine" but at the same time "keep cream away from direct stream of water". Nuh-uh! There's no way I can follow my normal shower routine, as that entirely involves standing under the direct stream of water. So, not wanting to wash off the cream and void the entire exercise, I did a weird lean in my head to wet my hair, but keep my legs at the opposite side of the cubicle dealio.

Two minutes of this, and the instructions said I could gently wipe areas with a wet washcloth to start removing the cream. I did this under the shower, with a loofah, because I don't think I even own a washcloth. Loofah did the job anyway. 

The cream did a really good job at dissolving the hair! No stubble left behind, just a kind of rubbery feeling.

The instructions say very clearly, like all-caps clearly, not to rub your skin after hair removal. Being a shining example of good sense, I chose to ignore these warnings and scrubbed the bejesus from my legs because 1) I needed to have a smooth surface for fake tan and 2) YOLO!

I was really happy to see that there was zero sensitivity from the Spa Clay, even despite my vigorous rubbing. More importantly - it's a hair removal technique that doesn't leave me bleeding out on the bathroom floor.

Nair Spa Clay Shower Power Hair Removal Cream retails for A$14.95.

Disclaimer: This products were sent to me by Nair. They have in no way influenced my review and opinions are my own. It is also my opinion that removal body hair is neither necessary or a definitive sign of femininity. See my Disclaimer for more sexy details.

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10 brilliant comments

  1. Hahaha!
    The perils of hair removal! I do the weird lean-into shower routine whenever we run out of hot water!

  2. I tried this when I was younger and it was an epic fail! I should try it again for the summer time - shaving always ensues in me slicing either my knees or my ankles.

  3. Good to know I'm not a lone shower-leaner! Our hot water is always running out too, I have nooooo idea why...

  4. How was it a fail? I tried Nair when I was 12/13, but my mum convinced me that it would give me freckles (?). WTF, Mum!

  5. I remember it stinging my legs! And when I washed it off it didn't dissolve anything D: It wasn't a clay one though, it was some kind of cream. Yep I was about 14 at the time haha! x

  6. D: Gotta say that hair removal creams have come a long way since then! Time for a revisit?

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