Youngblood Luminous Creme Blush in Taffeta/ - review

3:32 PM

Winter is probably the best time to dip into cream blushes, when everyone is that little bit paler and the subtlety of a fresh-faced glow can turn you from Voldemort, to....Voldemort after a nice brisk stroll. 

I've been trialling a few cream blush formulas so far this season, and have most recently been reaching for this Luminous Creme Blush in Taffeta by Youngblood, which I got through Recreate Yourself.

I'd describe Taffeta as a cotton candy pink. It's a cool-toned bubblegum shade that sheers out once applied.

It's a smooth finish, and the colour sinks into the skin without leaving that fuzzy peach look. Unlike a few other creams, cremes and tints, it plays nicely with my foundation, and doesn't pill or peel. 

There is a slight shimmer to the skin after application, but only under bright light, as below, and it's got quite a noticeable light-reflecting quality to it.

My classification of 'lizard' on the scaly skin scale means my cheeks also appreciate the extra boost of hydration from a moisturising formula.

On my skin, this formula last for my full work day, about eight hours, which is decent for a cream. I've also been layering it with my MeMeMe blush in Pink at 6pm for a pre-drinks pep up.

I've previously used to buy my Clarisonic, when they first came out. It was on backorder for a few days longer than expected, but arrived safely and with a small palette freebie to make up for it.

It's good to see Australian online retailers thrive in our current retail market. By competing with US shopping sites by offering competitive rates and shipping deals, I'll always be inclined to purchase from the Australian if the price is right. It's a pity that brick and mortar stores didn't get that message from consumers a few years ago - they may be in a better state now!

Youngblood Luminous Creme Blush has a RRP of A$44, however currently has it for A$37.40.

Disclaimer: Product sent to my by They have in no way influenced my review and opinions are my own. See my Disclaimer for more sexy details.

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12 brilliant comments

  1. this is so gorgeous! What do you think of the Illamasqua cream blushes? I want to pick one up but not to overly expensive xx

  2. Oh I love ry! They do have competitive prices and I've never been disappointed shopping with them! I love this colour on you!

  3. Really cute! Love it.

    Also, I'd be more inclined to shop at Aussie bricks and mortar stores if they were more competitive - I'll always shop Aussie online where possible..

  4. Oh I got this one too. I really like it :-)

  5. RY are pretty nifty. Happy birthday btw xx

  6. Yep, not like they're making it super easy in B&M will the level of service either...I remember getting told off when working at David Jones for being too smiley/friendly!

  7. Oh, it would look great on your colouring!

  8. I've got a few, but they rarely come out as the high pigment makes them so easy to overdo!

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