Dove Real Beauty Sketches...For Men

11:11 AM

I'm sure you've all seen the Dove Real Beauty Sketches videos by now. If not, brief run down is pretty, slim women describe themselves to an FBI profile illustrator. Someone who has just met them does the same. The two drawings are compared and OMG you guise, the nice ladies are more beautiful to others than she thinks she is because women focus on their flaws and we all have terrible self-esteem, but it's okay because you're actually pretty and being pretty matters a lot. Totes.

Anyway, I'm not too moved by this line of advertising from Dove, given they're selling something even if it's all wrapped up in cuddly feelings and emotive piano tinkling and I'm very aware of my own awful self image, thankyouverymuch. Plus the reminder that slim = pretty came across quite strongly, with a 'uglier' face described as "fatter, sadder", before we are reminded how you look impacts having friends and being employed. GREAT, THANKS FOR REMINDING ME.

But, I did rather enjoy this parody offering, focusing on how guys see themselves (won't ANYONE think of the men?!), all in the same style of the original clip.

What do you think about the original Dove video, or the parody? Do you have shitty self esteem? But you're, like, really pretty. 

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36 brilliant comments

  1. Yes!

    So here is The Thing. Dove is a for-profit company, who make money selling lotions and potions that you "need" to be pretty. They've discovered that this touchy-feely type of "ERMAGERD normal people natural beauty that's like me I'm like that THEY UNDERSTAND ME AND THEY AREN'T LIKE THE OTHERS WHO USE MODELS!" advertising sells their lotions and potions a lot. So they use it. It's their advertising ploy.

    Am I cynical? Maybe. But Dove's parent company alos owns Lynx. If their attitude to women and natural beauty were indeed a company value, then Lynx advertising wouldn't be what it is. Simple.

  2. Um.. Thanks for putting words to exactly how I felt about the dove video. Sure.. It's a vaguely interesting concept. The supposedly unbiased artists representation to one's crappy self image. But it was all piano tinkly and I felt the video makers think women are stupid. Really? Am I supposed to cry over it? When you have products called fat girl slim and miracle worker what difference does this video make? There's a whole industry to profit from making women feel crappy about themselves. Why can't they make a video about the real problem... Oh yeah.. They're in that club. Trying to make me pay an extra two dollars for my pit stench that needs extra clinical strength protection or moisture. Lol.

  3. Dove's 'you're already beautiful but still not beautiful enough so buy our stuff' campaigns have always pissed me off even more than companies that are just openly and rabidly out to make a buck. I hate companies who pretend to have a philosophy. I hate their 'real woman' shit when all their 'real woman' are just degrees of chubby (apparently skinny women or very fat women are not 'real').

    Having said that, when I first saw the sketch artist video I thought it was interesting in itself, putting aside Dove and their patronising sales pitch. There have been a multitude of studies showing that women DO see themselves as less attractive than they really are, and - as this video above hilariously pinpoints - men DO see themselves as more attractive than they really are. And when a woman has the audacity to believe she is beautiful we judge her for being vain (although Samantha Brick can go fuck herself because she's just a woman-hating troll). Society pushes women to not think 'too much' of themselves. Think about it - if Dove filmed a bunch of women and they were all going, "Well, I have gorgeous green eyes and my body is fantastic", we'd all be sitting there thinking, "Ew, someone has tickets on herself!" It's like someone insulting your parents - I can say it, you can't. I can say you're pretty, you can't. And I wonder if this is what has led to the constant selfies that some women - particularly teenage girls - have taken to doing, and then posting some wry, self-deprecating comment along with it. They can't just come right out and say, "Damn, I look so good today!". They need someone else to do it for them. That's depressing.

    Does that make sense? It's early Saturday morning and I haven't had my coffee (and bacon - NOT FRUIT SALAD, NOT A REAL WOMAN) yet.

  4. I'm with you on this one, it's advertising gold with a subliminal message of 'we understand that you don't feel pretty!' that women don't realize, but because it shies away from the normal model stereotype they lap it up.
    Still, 4% of women thinking they're beautiful is a pretty interesting statistic. I think I'm gorgeous but I can be improved upon lol

  5. Lol!!! the dove one is utter BS... I've always been skeptical of Dove's wishy washy advertising but the parody one, made me (and boyfie too believe it or not) chuckle, then by the end laughing... good post LLR :)

  6. I just had my boyfriend watch it to, and he agreed!

  7. I think it's not that women don't like their looks or anything, but admitting you feel attractive in public is seen as shameful and immodest.


  9. I feel like we should rename deodorant 'pit stench remover' right here, right now. It just feels right.

  10. I think you already know my feelings about the original Dove video (I like it. I think it's a message that is sadly lacking in advertizing and I don't care who the messenger is!). But I think the parody is sort of... dickish? I think it erases some of the self-esteem issues that men have from media as well.

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  12. I agree with every word... Awesome. When I got boyfie to watch he said I'd be bad for their campaign cos my bloody oaf I would get up there and describe how I look and say I look alright aye?

  13. I agree with you to Isabel, dove advertising is rubbish and laughable, the lynx ads treat women like a bouncing pair of titties. It's like parents teaching their daughter to have self value and she can do anything if she believes in herself, but allows the annoying older brother to shame her and tell she's just and object of male gratification and to get your tits out.

  14. These two commercial epitomize female insecurities and anti male hate. Your all a bunch of over gown children! Grow up, cry me a river, build me a bridge and get the fuck over it you whiny women! Even though this video is absolutely sexist toward men and not women, the majority of men laugh, while you women bitch and complain about nothing! Is this kind childish crap supposed to make us see when as competent individuals? Grow the fuck up you fucking immature ass cry baby's.

  15. PS: it's fucking soap you morons! Do you realize you you pee brain are debating about soap? Are you people really this fucking stupid? It's fucking Soap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soap!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!! Yes, by selling soap to people who like to be clean, is so misogynistic. lol It is almost entertainment to watch you stupid monkeys try to speak as if you are people... It's also cute and endearing, aw... little monkeys with expensive cloths on trying to pretend they have complex bairns to think with... I mean seriously what foolish ape debates about the connotations soap?

  16. OMFG u people are so stupid...Selfish, sexist hypocrites... Do you realize that by supporting idiotic concepts like this you are putting truth to many negative stereotypes about women?

  17. Wow, would people really are not very bright at all are you? Basically your fight is against all beauty products in the world? So if You're a naturalist why not just come out and say it, why are you being so dishonest? This is clearly not a gender issue to you, but an issue of natural beauty, so your actually advocating naturalism. Do you simply just not have any idea what it is your truly support?

    Or are you actually the type of moron that you would truly suggest that beauty products could be sold, with out promoting product aided beautify? How exactly would you sell a beauty product as a successful business woman?

    My god, you people need to grow up so bad! The fact you women can even bitch about a video obviously pandering to the female ego, is an example of how immature and childish you people are!

  18. Here is an example of how intelligent your people are: Dove, you don't need our products because you have natural beauty, but we feel you should buy them anyway! < the feminists suggestion for beauty product advertizement! Keep up the intelligent thinking girls, maybe you will get hired on as an advertisement specialist!

  19. Sexism is just the worst, isn't it

  20. My, we do love our exclamation points.

    You realise they have a line of dozens of health and beauty care
    products, yes?

  21. Dude. Never call someone not bright and then finish with a logical fallacy. It doesn't reflect well.

  22. Totes true. As a random internet poster I can state that a statistic is BS and therefore will it true.

  23. Hi. Word of advice: when posting about intelligence it is best to have a coherent post.

  24. Stop being so hysterical, dear, and leave the rational thinking to the adults.

  25. Wait, where do I get me a really intelligent baby to do all my thinking for me? (you probably meant "complex brains" but the concept of "complex bairns" is the only thing in your entire comment that is even remotely original or thought-provoking).

  26. I think everyone else has shut you down here, but we haven't yet given you your troll score!
    I'm going to give you a few bonus points for the continuity in your "boo, women! poor downtrodden men :(" narrative, but I felt the insults were empty and that your heart wasn't 100% into it, causing you to leave sentences incomplete ie "fucking immature ass cry baby's..." Baby's what? What does baby possess and how are we related? I MUST KNOW WHAT BABY HAS!

    I did appreciate you giving a voice to soap (better known as "Soap!!!!!!!!!!!), and I think all of us could really work at being a better ally to soap and other foaming by-product groups. In the same breath, I feel that your pants privilege is showing, and that we must be more understanding of those who do not have access to clean, fresh pants and/or leggings.

    Overall, I'm going to score you two out a possible ten lolwuts, and recommend that you head on back to reddit and youtube to really pick up some pointers on inane commenting. Oh, and skip the MRA forums. They're no good for you, hon.

  27. Gotcha, re invalidating male self-esteem.

    But, honestly, this video is still advertising. It doesn't need the product plastered through it to not be IDed as a Dove ad, keeping the brand name relevant and giving you the good feels about a huge company that deals in bad self-esteem.

  28. I absolutely understand that perspective, but I guess I would rather see this message come from someone. It's a message we don't normally get and it's one that I like.

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