Sometimes a little elbow grease isn't enough when it comes to deep-cleansing grimy skin, or fixing up old acne scars. I've rounded up my favourite hi-tech beauty tools that will help your skincare steps work harder and faster. "Just doing my usual AM three-step routine" Read on to find why spending an evening with a vibrating shaft has never been so productive! ...
When you've got as many perfumes hoarded away as I do wearing just one a day seems a little too simplistic. That's why I always use a fragrance before bed, either on pulse points or sprayed over the bed to settle on sheets. Honestly, there is nothing better than crisp fresh sheets, a silky negligee and a gorgeous fragrance at bedtime. I swear I'm not...
Welcome back to me and Lather Rinse Repeat! I'm so excited to be relaunching the site with a slick new feel. I'm going to get back into the swing of things with a nifty new product review of something that's available in both Australia and the Middle East (I heart you, international shipping). Babe Scrub is a newish brand that's Aussie based, with...
I'm so ready for this winter to pack in it. Chilly fingertips, a sore arm from clutching my jacket close, and dry, wind-burnt skin are not my idea of a good time, yet this freezing winter continues. Okay, fine, 25c isn't exactly cold, but now I'm well and truly used to Gulf weather, it feels like basically sub-zero. Mostly. Here's the hero products I've been dipping into...
It's tough to pick a gift for that one friend who's always on the move, be it for work or just a permanent holiday, and may not have the space or stability for large or less practical gifts. Here's Lather Rinse Repeat's pick of beauty stocking stuffers for friends on the wing. ...